The Clothes Airer Wall Mounting Brackets are specially designed to be able to support any of the Cast in Style clothes airers from the wall rather than from the ceiling. They are ideal if you cannot fit the clothes airer pulleys into your ceiling because you have a suspended ceiling or your joists simply are not in the right position for you. This makes installing the clothes airers now possible for lots of different scenarios and it's easy to do.
Small brackets fit the 3 and 4 lath clothes airers and also the 5 and 7 lath Gismo clothes airer
Large Brackets fit the 5, 6, and 7 lath clothes airers.
Each bracket is supplied with a pulley fixing bolt. The pulleys have detachable screw rods which you can simply remove and then, using the bolt supplied, attach the pulley to the end of the bracket. You can then mount the brackets to the wall and hang your clothes airer from this. You will need a bracket for each pulley your clothes airer requires. The clothes airers include two pulleys so you will need a minimum of two brackets, but if you need extra double pulleys you will require a bracket for each of these as well.
~~~ MADE IN UK ~~~