On the back of the piece that the clothesline comes out of, there is a rectangular metal back plate with two circular holes in it. This is attached to the piece through one screw, which is located on the side. First, you must detach the rectangular piece from the large circular piece by unscrewing the screw on the side of the large circular piece.
Then, you would mount only the rectangular piece to the stud in your wall with two screws and plastic sleeves provided for you. Next, you can attach the circular piece back onto the rectangular piece with the screw on the side. The smaller circular piece will be attached to the stud in the wall with the other set of screws and plastic sleeves provided for you (make sure that the circle in the center is at the top, so the clothesline will be secure).
For tile installations, we advise that you first speak with a tile expert about your type and size of tile since every type of tile and placement is different which may require different kinds of applications to ensure the tile is not compromised. You'll want to determine where you would like the clothesline installed and if that area can support it.